Find A Rollerskool Location
To book a class find a Rollerskool location that works for you
For some Rollerskool classes, a consistent location is key. Weekend classes and holiday programs use a consistent location to conduct classes. Making sure these locations are skate-able is what we at Rollerskool do. We make sure these locations are a great place to skate.
For Private, Small Groups and Events we can cater by finding a location that is close to you. Ask us to find out how you can book your class at one of our weekend locations
Beside a location for weekend classes and holiday program, Rollerskool also operates classes in schools on the weekdays. Our goal is to help schools with an after school activity program. Rollerskool's format is flexible to accommodate the school's schedules so that the program can be a great addition to the school's offer to students and parents.
We are continuously searching for ways to grow and providing Rollerskool in new locations is something we will continuously seek to do. Please contact us if you believe a location suits our program.
Find a Rollerskool location that works for you is key to have an awesome inline skate experience